Critical Response
"I mprove my confidence in speaking" and "sharpen my critical thinking" were my initial goals for this UCS module. Over the 13 weeks of UCS, I have built up my report writing and presentation skills. There are 2 key events that happened that I would like to write about. The first event was the pitch between the groups about the project we are working on. On that day, I remember talking about the pitch while referring heavily to my phone. It felt really unprofessional of me, given that I am the group leader of the team and should have full command of what my team was working on. As questions were asked by other teams, I answered the questions with minimal information. The presentation went quite badly for me. After the group pitches, I decided to take more time to look up nanobubbles technology and to better understand the project that I am working on (as I had minimal understanding of the topic). After spending more time understanding the technology, togeth...