Dear Professor Blackstone, I hope this email finds you well. I am Jarrett Ng and I pursued aeronautical engineering at Singapore Polytechnic. During my basic military training, I decided to sign on as a naval engineer. I had always had a keen interest in warships, especially the combat systems behind the gunnery onboard the warships. How does this gun system work? I had always loved finding out what each part of the component is for in the overall system and how does it work. Hence, I decided to pursue mechanical engineering here at SIT to enhance my understanding in engineering. My weakness in communication lies in my confidence in speaking. Throughout my whole life, I always have an issue with projecting my voice and sharing my ideas. I would often start off a presentation with a shaky voice and only becoming more stable as the presentation goes on. Despite all the presentations I had went through, I always seem to go back to where I was originally. Being an introvert doe
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